Occupational Exposure

Employers have strict obligations to ensure the safety of their workers, in order to protect employees from chemical risks and meet occupational health standards, ChemCentre routinely analyses occupational hygiene samples for workplace assessments and compliance against Australian Exposure Standards.

Choose a provider where the level of expertise goes beyond traditional laboratories; our scientists assist clients with interpreting data and making recommendations about exposure and risk management. We are experienced in delivering independent, expert testimony in legal matters when required.

ChemCentre has strict quality assurance and quality control procedures, which ensures that the science underpinning a client’s decision making is robust and defendable.

We also assist clients by storing all data for future access. This continuity of service allows the tracking of data over long periods to monitor exposure and identify trends.

Protecting your company, employees, the community and the environment from dangerous and expensive chemical risks is at the forefront of ChemCentre’s services; review some of our occupational exposure services below or for a more comprehensive list of services contact ChemCentre today.

Contact us now

Postal address

PO Box 1250

t: (08) 9422 9800
f: (08) 9422 9801
e: enquiries@chemcentre.wa.gov.au

ABN : 40 991 885 705

Street address

Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar
Resources and Chemistry Precinct
Corner Manning Road and Townsing Drive
Bentley WA 6102

Reception: Level 2, South Wing, Building 500.

Deliveries: Ground floor - use Conlon Street entrance
