Shake it out for Science

Shake it out for Science is a Citizen Science project collaboration between the Australian Federal Police, ChemCentre and Curtin University.

In this project, citizen scientists will be trained to shake and collect debris from clothing items, then collect the debris or "shakings" using a technique that is employed by forensic experts across Australia. The shakings will then be sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory at ChemCentre, where they will be examined for trace evidence - specifically glass fragments. Citizen Scientists will also need to complete an online questionnaire for each shaking sample submitted.

The aim of Shake it out for Science is for the data collected to provide an estimation of background levels of broken glass in the population.

A pilot study for Shake it out for Science was conducted in 2022: once the pilot program has been evaluated we look forward to commencing an expanded national project.


Watch the video to learn more about Shake it out for Science from one of our forensic science experts, Dr Kari Pitts.

Our Shake it out for Science project partners are:

  • Australian Federal Police
  • Curtin University


Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HREC number HRE2022-0510).

If you have a question about this Citizen Science project or if you need more information please contact us at


Information for 2022 Pilot Schools

Thank you to all participants in our pilot program in 2022. At the close of the pilot, ChemCentre received more than 250 samples for analysis from 12 schools across the state.

Our forensic experts are now sorting through the submissions, recording whether samples do or do not contain glass. Watch the video to see how this is done and the equipment that is used for this step.

All glass fragments that are identified will undergo further analysis over coming months to determine their source.

Postal address

PO Box 1250

t: (08) 9422 9800
f: (08) 9422 9801

ABN : 40 991 885 705

Street address

Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar
Resources and Chemistry Precinct
Corner Manning Road and Townsing Drive
Bentley WA 6102

Reception: Level 2, South Wing, Building 500.

Deliveries: Ground floor - use Conlon Street entrance
