With the increasing complexity and globalisation of food supply chains, the potential for food fraud continues to grow.  Accordingly, consumer interest in the authenticity and traceability of their food is at an all-time high and demand for this information flows back to the various stakeholders in the supply chains.

ChemCentre can assist these stakeholders with bespoke provenance and traceability solutions for their individual products and supply chains.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and discuss how we can help you to secure your supply chain.

Contact us now

Postal address

PO Box 1250

t: (08) 9422 9800
f: (08) 9422 9801
e: enquiries@chemcentre.wa.gov.au

ABN : 40 991 885 705

Street address

Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar
Resources and Chemistry Precinct
Corner Manning Road and Townsing Drive
Bentley WA 6102

Reception: Level 2, South Wing, Building 500.

Deliveries: Ground floor - use Conlon Street entrance
