Helping to keep racing drug free

Testing for drug use in sport extends to horse and greyhound racing codes. ChemCentre is one of only four Australian laboratories which tests equine and canine samples. Inevitably, drugs that turn up in one location or sport are soon found in another, so information sharing and collaboration are vital. ChemCentre racing chemists are in regular contact with other Australian and international laboratories, sharing information to improve everyone’s drug testing capabilities.

ChemCentre’s experience in detecting drugs in racehorses is of international standard and interest, particularly our interaction with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Laboratory Qatar and our ongoing relationship wit the Association of Official Racing Chemists (AORC). In a collaborative effort to keep ahead of new threats, ChemCentre is now working with other Australian racing laboratories, the National Measurement Institute (NMI) and University of Sydney on a new project investigating gene doping.

Postal address

PO Box 1250

t: (08) 9422 9800
f: (08) 9422 9801

ABN : 40 991 885 705

Street address

Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar
Resources and Chemistry Precinct
Corner Manning Road and Townsing Drive
Bentley WA 6102

Reception: Level 2, South Wing, Building 500.

Deliveries: Ground floor - use Conlon Street entrance
