At ChemCentre, we aim to provide an outstanding service to all our clients, stakeholders and the wider community.
We welcome feedback to us about the services we provide, or the way in which they are provided. Receiving feedback or a complaint gives us the opportunity to rectify a situation and continually improve our services. Receiving appreciation is also welcomed and helps to reinforce what we do well.
How to lodge a complaint or provide feedback
Our Customer Feedback service is in place to ensure your complaint is heard and dealt with fairly and quickly. You may lodge your compliment, complaint or feedback:
- By completing and submitting the Feedback Form below
- In person at our Bentley office
- By telephone: +61 (0)8 9422 9800
- In writing: ChemCentre, PO Box 1250, Bentley WA 6983
- By fax: +61 (0)8 9422 9801
- By email:
The Australian Government’s interpreting service (TIS) can supply telephone or on site interpreting. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is accessible from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call. The telephone number is 131 450.
For the hearing impaired, clients may seek the services of the telephone typewriter (TTY) 133 667 or through the National Relay Service at
What you can expect
When you lodge a complaint it will be registered through our Records Management System and managed by the Director Business and Corporate Serices. An acknowledgement receipt will be sent within 5 workng days so you will know that your complaint is being investigated. A written response will be forthcoming within 21 working days. If the investigation is not completed within this time an interim response will be sent outlining the progress so far.
All complaints are treated as genuine and will be properly investigated. The response provided will contain information relevant to the complaint, reasons for any decision made, any changes that have resulted from the complaint and an apology where appropriate.
At all times your complaint will be dealt with in confidence, without discrimination or bias. All available information will be collected during the investigation and analysed in an objective and sensitve manner. We will endeavour to assist in a resolution that is to the satisfaction of all parties within the bounds of legislation and policy.
How to make a complaint
There are some things that you can do to assist us with your complaint:
- Make your complaint as soon as possible so that the facts are still clear and the information given is accurate.
- A telephone call may be sufficient and quicker if the issue is simple or easily resolved.
- A written complaint is usually better if the issue or concern is more complex.
- Try to summarise exactly what your complaint is and set out the order in which things might have happened.
- Dates, names, descriptions of incidents and reference to any prior contact with ChemCentre could assist.
- Tell us what you think could be improved or what you think should be done to put things right.
If our organisation is not able to resolve your complaint and you would like an independent assessment you may contact the Ombudsman WA by:
- Tel: 08 9220 7555
- Freecall: 1800 117 000 (toll free for country and interstate callers)
- Fax: 08 9325 1107
- Email:
- Website:
- In person: Level 12, 44 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000
- Post: Ombudsman Western Australia, PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6831
Allegations of misconduct by public officers
The Public Sector Commission is responsible for dealing with minor misconduct while the Corruption and Crime Commission deals with serious misconduct.
Disclosures about wrongdoing within the state public sector involving improper conduct or irregular use of public resources can be pursued through the guide to public interest disclosures in WA public authorities
Public Sector Commission
Corruption, Crime Commission
- Online: via website
- Email:
- Confidential Toll-Free Tel: 1800 803 186
- Tel: (08) 9215 4888
- Fax: (08) 9215 4884
- Post: PO Box 330, Northbridge Post Shop, WA 6865
- In Person: Level 5, 45 Francis Street, Northbridge, WA 6003
Privacy Protected
ChemCentre will protect the complainant’s confidentiality and privacy and offer whatever assistance they need to lodge a formal complaint, recognising their right to be heard without fear of retribution and at no charge.