

Inside ChemCentre: Cutting to the core. Is it safe to eat?

In this video we shine a spotlight on food products grown in WA, to get to the core of food safety. ChemCentre is an accredited facility approved for conducting analyses under the Food Act, which means our expert chemists perform analysis on Western Australian produce to ensure that it meets regulatory requirements. In this case we will be testing an apple for traces of a range of pesticides.

Follow the apple’s journey from arrival at our Sample Receivals area, see what happens when it is prepared for analysis, what analysis is undertaken and most importantly – when the results are in – is it safe to eat?

Note: This video has been produced for illustrative and educational purposes only and is not an exact representation of scientific sample preparation and chemical analysis undertaken at ChemCentre.


Environmental Forensic Investigations: Protecting the Marine Environment webinar

The marine environment is a precious system; it is difficult but vital to protect such a widely used resource. Join us to explore how ChemCentre protects our busy waterways and keeps seafarers accountable, by using Environmental Forensics.

ChemCentre’s Senior Chemist and Research Officer Leif Cooper dives into the prehistoric world of how oils are formed, discussing the unique “fingerprints” and identifying characteristics of different oils and how this critical information is extracted from oil samples. During the presentation viewers will get to test the knowledge they have gleaned, by trying to identify the culprit in a case study of an oil spill in a busy harbour.


Curious about what a day in the life of a chemist looks like? Curious about what chemists do at an emergency HAZMAT incident? Want to understand what chemistry looks like in the real world?

Our selection of videos are great resources for teachers, student and curious minds.

Stay tuned as more videos are released here and on our youtube channel.

Careers with STEM Magazine Feature

Do you have a child, relative, or friend considering a career in STEM? Particularly Forensic Science?

Share the February 2020 edition of Careers with Stem Magazine with them -  it features a range of STEM professionals including ChemCentre’s very own Dr. Kari Pitts on page 16!

  • What it’s really like to be a forensic chemist,
  • The most rewarding aspects,
  • Her career path and more

This is a great read if you’re considering a career in forensic science.

At home science activities

Unleash your inner chemist – at home! Four fun activities for you to complete with your children. You will need a few ‘special’ items but an online search will quickly find some household substitutes. Download the activities from the link below.

Don’t forget to send us some photos on the socials of your latest experiments! Tag ChemCentre on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Colouring in sheets 

Did you meet some of your local scientific superheroes at ChemCentre Open Day, then print off the colouring sheets for your young ones at home or school!

Download the colouring in sheet below.

Postal address

PO Box 1250

t: (08) 9422 9800
f: (08) 9422 9801

ABN : 40 991 885 705

Street address

Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar
Resources and Chemistry Precinct
Corner Manning Road and Townsing Drive
Bentley WA 6102

Reception: Level 2, South Wing, Building 500.

Deliveries: Ground floor - use Conlon Street entrance
