Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a scientist? Do you want to see where new technology and innovation will take us in the future?Have you ever asked yourself how anything you learn in maths is actually useful?
Learn about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths from a range of experts - including two ChemCentre staff members!
Join the Innovators' tea Party for Inspire 5 on the evenings of November 11th and 19th for a series of presentations from some of our incredible Women in STEM Mentors to learn about the endless opportunities a career in STEM can offer. Each night you will hear first hand what it’s like to work at the front-lines of innovation, and learn how rewarding a career in STEM can be from a number of women from across the sector including Hannah and Kari, two of ChemCentre's forensic chemists.
Hurry tickets book out fast!
ChemCentre Open Day is a biennial event that celebrates the role chemistry and science has in our community and economy.
We invite you to get hands on with chemistry, meet the chemists, explore the forensic and environmental laboratories, be wowed at the science shows and more! Chemcentre Open Day is a free event with activities and displays for all ages. To learn more about the recent open day visit the page:
Royal Australian Chemistry Institute Careers Night 26 August 2019